Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Epic Fail

For the first time ever, RESOLVE put together a scorecard to rank the states (and DC) in how fertility friendly they are.  The rankings were created based on four factors: the insurance mandate climate, the legislative climate, the number of fertility clinics as compared to the number of people dealing with infertility, and the number of RESOLVE support groups.  Before you click on the link, take a guess as to where Georgia is ranked.  I'll wait.

Any guesses?

I talked about this with one of my local friends, who guessed 49th.  In the voice of several game shows, I had to tell that person "LOWER!!"  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Georgia is DEAD LAST in the rankings.

Where is Maryland, you may ask?  Between the mandated IVF coverage and a couple of large clinics, among other factors, Maryland ranks 5th.  Yes, I moved from a state that ended up ranked 5th, where my IVF would have been covered, to the state being pointed out for epic failure.

I still have no idea whether I'll need it, whether it will impact my immediate life which fertility climate I live in.  And no matter what, I'm still happy that I moved here.  But at the same time, I will be looking for what opportunities I can fit in to get involved and advocate, whether it's for myself or for my sisters.

So maybe that's how I'll recognize NIAW, both during the week and after.

1 comment:

  1. This map is incredibly eye opening. And so scary.
