Tuesday, July 18, 2017

#MicroblogMondays: SHG Results

Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is? Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too.

I had an SHG for the first time today.  I have a small-to-average polyp at the top of my uterus, and a band of tissue that may be endometrial overgrowth.  The nurse practitioner thinks the doctor will want to do a hysteroscopy and remove the polyp.  I'm terrified, and so is my husband.  The last time I went under anesthesia for a "minor 30-minute procedure" I woke up 2 1/2 hours later to find out I no longer had an ovary or tube on the right side.  And to add to the fun, right after we met our deductible and found out the IVF coverage had been raised, my husband's company got sold and we now have a new deductible and no coverage for IUI, IVF, or medicated cycles/monitoring.


  1. Yikes! I am sorry you are scared and I hope this procedure is less invasive and drastic.

  2. Hoping that the Dr can talk through the options and risks with you. Wishing you well.

  3. Gah -- I'm sorry, both about the diagnosis and the insurance stuff.

  4. Oh gosh, I'm really sorry to hear about the lack of coverage for IUI or IVF and the polyp and that you might need a hysteroscopy.
